Yesterday I was extremely pleased to present a cheque to Chelsey Walker - Executive Director, Whistler Adaptive Sports Program. The funds were generated from proceeds from book sales of "Take that Leap – Risking it all for what Really matters" over the past three months.
It was a chilly night laying on a piece of cardboard in a thin sleeping bag as the temperatures got down to 2 degrees above freezing…Read More.
Read about my trip inside High Desert Maximum security prison in Susanville Ca USA with Hustle 2.0 in this weeks’ blog…
Rieko and i were so pleased to be able to host Lynne Twist and Sara Vetter of the Pachamama Alliance at our home the other week. The turn out was outstanding with 60+ in attendance. Read more…
What started as a one-time trip turned into a yearly event that snowballed. Read more in this week’s blog
As an entrepreneur it is easy to shrug off that Thursday evening activity with friends and far too easy to eventually loose touch. Read more in this week’s blog…
“There actually are other people in the world like me. Young entrepreneurs trying to get a business off the ground and raise a young family and have a life”…read more in my blog for EO.
With another holiday season yet upon us. We are told, this is the time of the year for family and regeneration. But do any of us really listen? Read more in this week’s blog…
I am quite astonished by all the requests I have recently received from Elder groups to speak at their gatherings. At almost 57, yes I guess I now can call myself an elder. Read more in this week’s blog…
I am very pleased to announce that I will be the recipient of this years’ BCIT Distinguished Alumni Award…read more
Over the past 35 -years I have been fortunate to travel the world on business. But I have seen so many coastal areas around the globe away from the resorts that are highly polluted…Read more
It’s the end of August, the end of summer. Time to return to school. Growing up, this weekend was always the worst weekend of the year for me. Read more in this week’s blog…
During the last few months, our Trubeach crew have been joining volunteers from the Surfrider Foundation to help clean up beaches and other locations around the Pacific Northwest. Read more in this week’s blog…
“I am very pleased to share with you a recent Podcast called “Profit First” with Mike Michalowicz. Mike interviews me about my book “Take that Leap - Risking it all for what really matters” We discuss how I was able to restructure my business so I could get my life back. Which allowed me to spend more time with my family
but also leverage my business and my networks to have more positive impact
in the world.
From everything I have seen in my travels so far, I believe humanity’s best hope to change the world for the better is through business and the development of clean technology…read more in this week’s blog.
On June 11th, I'll be guest speaker at BCIT's Annual General Meeting, an event open to my alma mater's alumni…read more in this week’s blog.
Just coming up for air after another whirlwind month of travel and work to report that the Vancouver book launch of Take That Leap went extremely well…read more in this week’s blog.
In November 2016, the iconic Barry J Moltz shook my hand and invited me to be a guest on his Chicago-based AM 560 “Business Insanity Talk Radio” show. ..Read more in this week’s blog.
A big shout out to both Kevin Lawrence and Verne Harnish for being a huge part of my journey. Read more about the importance of coaching in this week’s blog…