When building a business over the years we tend to miss out on many important things. The first is family time and then time with friends.
As an entrepreneur it is easy to shrug off that Thursday evening activity with friends and far too easy to eventually loose touch. Over the past couple of months I have been fortunate to re-connect with some good old friends that I had not seen in years.
When we got together it was like yesterday. For me it has been re-connecting with Ken my old climbing, back-country skiing and Mountain bike buddy. We decided to re-visit our past Thursday night activity and that was climbing a local North Shore mountain at night in the snow. (sounds a bit crazy but bare with me) we would climb via head lamp using back country skis with climbing skins.
Yup, about 10 years ago every Thursday night my buddy Ken, myself and a few others would meet at the
base of Cypress mountain (after we had put our young kids to bed) and head to the trail head where we would dawn our climbing skins on our skis. We would climb and break trail via bushwhacking to the top of Black Mountain under the light of our head lamps.
It would take a few hours of grunting through fresh snow where we would summit around 10:30 pm. We would rip off our climbing skins point our skis downhill and launch through the trees under head lamp back to our car. Hopefully arriving at a local pub for last call.
Last Call…
I am pleased to report that this winter a few old friends and I have reconnected and re-ignited our Thursday night summits. Last week we summited in a raging snow storm and this week we commented that it would have been easier to sit on the couch and have a glass of wine but we decided to do the climb. The weather this time was perfect, the stars were out and the snow was soft powder. Breaking trail to the summit gave us all a feeling of accomplishment.
We could have easily stayed home on the couch. But we didn’t.
So I challenge you to pick up the phone, text or FB messenger an old friend and invite them out for a coffee or a climb up a mountain at night. Time passes far too quickly for regrets.
#njbtakethatleap #nigeljbennett #entrepreneurorganization #liferythem#lifebalance @nigeljbennett